About Us

Lau­rice Fine Art is a quin­tes­sen­tial fam­i­ly busi­ness based at a stone’s throw from the Place de l’Étoile, in cen­tral Paris. The gallery is direct­ed by Camille Mey­neng who offers twen­ty years of expe­ri­ence in the art world. The busi­ness was found­ed by Jean Mey­neng in 2000 and dealt from the pres­ti­gious Avenue Matignon as the Galerie du Post-Impressionnisme.

With Lau­rice Fine Art Camille Mey­neng con­tin­ues the busi­ness and fol­lows in her family’s foot­steps by spe­cial­is­ing in Post-Impres­sion­ism, Fau­vism and Cubism. In addi­tion, the gallery has expand­ed into Mod­ern and Post-War Art. Born into a fam­i­ly of keen col­lec­tors, Camille Mey­neng also offers col­lec­tion-build­ing advice.

We receive by appoint­ment only.